Проститутка Jolene в Бангкоке

Sensual student escort model who is not only tender but also a passionate and loyal companion. Don't miss the opportunity and get to know this sweet and charming model Jolene. This Asian young beauty feature a versatile personality. Her lively and open-minded nature which she use perfectly to help every gentleman escape from their daily hectic and stressful life. With Jolene by your side, you have hit the jackpot. Self-confident, open-minded, witty and passionate. This stunning escort model is a feast for the eyes who radiates pure sensuality. Her brunette hair, angelic facial features and her perfectly slim body shape makes Jolene a sight to behold. Escort Model Jolene knows exactly how to combine her sensuality and passion in an intimate way. This student truly has it all! In her early twenties, Jolene knows what she wants and how to behave properly in any situation. This student truly has it all! This charming model is anything but shy. Her openness towards others and her ability to immediately find a suitable topic makes her VIP escort service very unique! This escort model simply has everything you could expect from a dream model. Therefore, don't miss the chance to indulge in Jolene's elite escort service and go ahead to reserve a date with this young lady today. Every second spent with her will be a pure pleasure.

Расположение:Бангкок / Thailand
Цвет волос:Шатенка
Длина волос:Длинные
Размер груди:1 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Передвижение:По стране
Рост:156 - 160 см.
Курение:Против курения
Языки:Английский, Тайский
Встреча с:Мужчины


Страна: Тайланд
Город: Бангкок


Время Апартаменты Выезд
2 часа 22000


Услуга Включено Отдельно

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