Проститутка Natalia в Барселоне

Hot, bold, absolutely uninhibited in sex, the beauty Natali waits for your call at any time. She likes expensive cars, speed and extreme. Sex with her is like a dance on the coals or an explosion of a volcano! Having booked it, you definitely will not regret it. She is able to break in even the most recalcitrant stallion. She starts with a light massage and gentle kisses but gradually you will feel that her movements become more confident and her breathing is jerky. She will simply push you onto the bed and when she’ll be on top, you will finally understand what true bliss means. Well, already want to get acquainted with our star? Maybe you want to try to tame her? Perhaps, you are the one who can make her complaisant and tender girl. But keep in mind, no one did it before!

Расположение:Барселона / Spain
Цвет волос:Блондинка
Длина волос:Короткие
Размер груди:3 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Вес:46 - 50 кг.
Рост:166 - 170 см.
Курение:Против курения
Языки:Английский, Русский
Встреча с:Мужчины


Страна: Испания
Город: Барселона


Время Апартаменты Выезд
1 час 200 EUR 250 EUR
2 часа 300 EUR 300 EUR
3 часа 400 EUR 400 EUR
6 часов 700 EUR
12 часов 1000 EUR 1200 EUR


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