Проститутка Patricia в Берлине

You want to leave your everyday business behind? You wish a relaxed dinner with a charming companion? Or do you even think of sparkling, erotic hours as a couple? Then you are exactly right with Patricia. Your escort service is not just for businessmen and managers. The gentleman with level the wishes for company and also his longing for erotic togetherness are fulfilled in every respect. Whether you are looking for a lunchtime office visit, a hotel visit, a home visit, or a business lunch companion - with the experience, Patricia will read your every wish. Patricia is an experienced woman who loves life and men. You may believe it or not ... She enjoys sex to the fullest. Of course, she also likes to take on the more dominant role. If you lie under her high heels or kneel in front of her or she squats on your face, Patricia gets going really fast. Patricia always visits you top styled in exciting outfits, in boots or high heels. She prefers well-groomed and well-dressed gentlemen of middle age with level. The best way to reach Patricia by phone with the number displayed.

Расположение:Берлин / Germany
Цвет волос:Брюнетка
Длина волос:Длинные
Размер груди:1 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Передвижение:Нет. Только апартаменты
Вес:56 - 60 кг.
Рост:176 - 180 см.
Курение:Не против курения
Языки:Английский, Немецкий, Итальянский
Встреча с:Женщины


Страна: Германия
Город: Берлин


Время Апартаменты Выезд
1 час 200
2 часа 350
3 часа 500
12 часов 1500


Услуга Включено Отдельно

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