Проститутка Lilly в Бирмингеме

Young Birmingham escort Lilly, will satisfy your carnal and mental needs. Her body was designed to pleasure men. In a way that is both sensual and sexual. Her libidinous ways will have you trembling with desire. Desperate to indulge yourself with every inch of your very soul. She will evoke feelings of excitement like no other can. Her dainty, size 6 body is exceptionally taut and silky soft. Which is only to be expected from a 23 year old. This nubile young lady has twinkling blue eyes. Which are complemented perfectly by her jet black hair. Her luscious locks hang down sexily to her waist. The perfect length to tangle between your fingers. She has a beautiful, pert 32B bust which just adds the finishing touch to her perfect five foot four height. Having a size 6 body means that she does not have any wobbly bits. Her legs are perfectly slender and just the right length to wrap around your waist. This young escort Birmingham is also a very intelligent girl. She loves to stimulate minds as well as bodies. A conversation with escort Lilly is the most stimulating thing that can happen to your mind. Liberate your senses and book some time with Lilly.

Расположение:Бирмингем / UK
Цвет волос:Брюнетка
Длина волос:Длинные
Размер груди:1 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Передвижение:По стране
Вес:56 - 60 кг.
Рост:161 - 165 см.
Встреча с:Женщины


Город: Бирмингем


Время Апартаменты Выезд
1 час 100 EUR 120 EUR
2 часа 190 EUR 210 EUR
3 часа 270 EUR 300 EUR
12 часов 500 EUR 600 EUR


Услуга Включено Отдельно

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