Проститутка Simona в Бирмингеме

Simona Czech Birmingham escort is a blue eyed blonde babe from Eastern Europe. By reputation the girls from this country are very pretty with fine facial features and Simona Czech escort in Birmingham is no exception. It is not just her pretty face that gets her noticed, her long golden locks flow down her back, gleaming in the sun, the hair that unfurls over the front of her lovely rounded shoulders rest on her well defined cleavage. Czech escort Simona is slender with a firm taught youthful body which is contradictory to her age, many girls ten years younger would love her supple firm body. It is obvious at how well she looks after herself. Simona always looks fresh and natural and she takes pride in how she looks at all times. Once you get over the first impressions this smiling little angel gives you will find out that her personality is just as amazing. This lady is bright bubbly and enthusiastic. She is bubbly and chatty, speaking in excellent English. Her friendly attitude and eagerness to get to know her clients leads to as close a relationship you can get in such circumstances. This attitude makes her very popular as many gents can’t resist seeing her again.

Расположение:Бирмингем / UK
Цвет волос:Блондинка
Длина волос:Длинные
Размер груди:2 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Передвижение:По стране
Вес:51 - 55 кг.
Рост:161 - 165 см.
Встреча с:Мужчины


Город: Бирмингем


Время Апартаменты Выезд
1 час 100 GBP 120 GBP
2 часа 190 GBP 210 GBP
3 часа 270 GBP 300 GBP
12 часов 500 GBP 600 GBP


Услуга Включено Отдельно

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