Проститутка Sabrina в Гентинг Хайленде

Wondering what kind of escorts we have with us to serve you? Peep into our image gallery and check-out the ravishing and gorgeous divas we have in store for you! They look absolutely angelic and maintain themselves with a great discipline, so that they can arrive before you with a slender or curvy body, glowing skin, a smart and sexy outfit, shiny tresses, high heels and a charming attitude that would make you go weak in your knees. Malaysia Escort gallery is not done only to impress your eyes! We practice authentic and honest business policies. That means as an esteemed escort agency in Kuala Lumpur, we do not under any circumstances manipulate the image. So our pretty and petite escorts are exactly as they look in the image gallery for real. In addition to that, the details written about the girls too are accurate. This is shared with you so that you have an idea how to present yourself before her and make the most of your passionate companionship. At Kuala Lumpur Escort Model we want to cater to you to the best of our capacity! This is why you will find that the model gallery other than a basic write up about the KL escort girl also includes her vital stats details and the charge per hour. This way, you can select a diva that doesn?ˉt just suit your preference but also on your budget. Besides, for everything else you can always dial up our number so that our customer agent can assist you in making a choice. The KL Escort model gallery is dedicated to our team of expert escorts that are at your service! (CLICK) on Whatsapp : +60102152522 Call for more info +60102152522 Here we go = http://www.kualalumpurescortmodel.com

Расположение:Гентинг Хайленд / Malaysia
Цвет волос:Брюнетка
Длина волос:Длинные
Размер груди:2 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Передвижение:Нет. Только апартаменты
Вес:51 - 55 кг.
Рост:166 - 170 см.
Курение:Против курения
Встреча с:Мужчины


Страна: Малазия


Время Апартаменты Выезд


Услуга Включено Отдельно

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