Проститутка Carly в Манчестере

As soon as you meet this beautiful female escort you will be bowled over by her sex appeal and her attentive nature, she is 100% committed to her escorting career and prides herself on giving her clients her full attention ensuring that all their needs are satisfied. A deeply sensual young lady, she can be very naughty in private but is always a lady in public which makes her a companion for dinner that will make you the envy of every other man in the room, but her thoughts are only focused on you and the ways that she has in mind to treating you to a fully satisfying GFE. Carly's available for luxury incalls in Manchester and Leeds and yes she offers 30 minute stress-busters too! She loves to meet you for outcalls across the North West - Manchester, Leeds, Alderley Edge, Wilmslow, Stockport and the Cheshire region. Call Miss Moneypenny to meet this luscious hottie today!

Расположение:Манчестер / UK
Цвет волос:Шатенка
Длина волос:Средние
Размер груди:3 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Передвижение:Нет. Только апартаменты
Вес:46 - 50 кг.
Рост:166 - 170 см.
Курение:Против курения
Встреча с:Мужчины


Город: Манчестер


Время Апартаменты Выезд
1 час 150 GBP 170 GBP
2 часа 280 GBP 300 GBP


Услуга Включено Отдельно

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