Проститутка Amy в Портсмуте

Portsmouth escort girl Amy is one who is indeed extremely good looking. Standing at the leggy and model height of five foot seven inches tall, with a size eight body that is slim, petite and yet still shapely. Having gentle curves in all the right places. She looks as if carved by the Gods themselves. Such an attractive girl is not something you come across very often. Especially one with a face as gorgeous as escort Amy's. She has long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a sexy girl next door look to her. Being a classy and highly sought after woman, by all those who meet her. She is certainly going to melt your heart and have you trying your best not to fall in love with her and the skills she possess. Amy is an escort in Portsmouth who truly does go out of her way to ensure that everything is perfect for her clientele. She genuinely wants you to return to see her and loves knowing she is the reason behind your smile. It is very easy to get along with escort Amy and also very easy to talk with her. Despite originally being from Poland she is fluent in the English language and converses like a native, just with a slight accent.

Расположение:Портсмут / UK
Цвет волос:Блондинка
Длина волос:Средние
Размер груди:3 размер
Тип груди:Натуральная
Вес:51 - 55 кг.
Рост:171 - 175 см.
Курение:Против курения
Встреча с:Женщины


Город: Портсмут


Время Апартаменты Выезд
1 час 100 EUR 120 EUR
2 часа 190 EUR 210 EUR
3 часа 270 EUR 300 EUR
12 часов 500 EUR 600 EUR


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