Проститутка SIMONE BLUE в Боготе

Who I am! I am a woman quite independent in all my actions of my private life, I am someone super sociable, quite educated, I love to enjoy every moment of my life during all the activities or actions that I do, I am affectionate and I love to consent, understanding, I like to travel and to know new cultures, new people, landscapes and unique and incredible places, I consider myself a calm, uncomplicated woman who points to any plan without putting a bump: D My Tastes and Hobbies I do not consider myself anything complicated since I like all kinds of music in general, going to the movies is a plan that can not miss in my weeks, traveling a lot, dining with interesting people and even more if they are romantic people, the details are also a point in favor if you want to win my heart !. My hobbies are varied and I always focus on "being better every day" Physically that makes you fascinating? I am a super white woman, with beautiful brown eyes, body with very nice curves, of medium height, what makes me fascinating is my sensuality, my face above all and my way of doing things in a unique way. Something unique that I like to do in bed? I like to enjoy sex in all aspects, I love that you feel connected with me and we spend each other in a pleasant and fun way, one of my priorities is to make my partner also enjoy. меньше

Доступно для: Аппартаменты и Выезд
Пол: Женщина
Возраст: 30 лет
Вес: 63 кг.
Рост: 163 см.
Этничность: Латинская
Цвет волос: Шатенка
Длина волос: Cредней длины
Размер груди: Средняя грудь (B / 2)
Тип бюста: Натуральная
Национальность: Колумбийская
Поездки: По всей стране
Языки: Испанский
Татуировка: Нет
Пирсинг: Нет
Курильщик: Да
Глаза: Шатенка
Ориентация: гетеросексуал
Услуги: Includes that you can customize your wardrobe, as long as it is available in your profile, customize your lingerie, personalized attention according to your taste, passionate kisses, oral sex, vaginal relationship, massage and first class attention. The rest is additional and depends on the model's value.
Встреча с: Both (man+woman)

Контакты проститутки SIMONE BLUE в Боготе

Телефон: +57 320 Показать телефон
Страна: Колумбия
Город: Богота
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1 Час 220 EUR
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Униформа 50 EUR
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Эякуляция на тело 50 EUR
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