Проститутка MAGALY в Буэнос-Айресе

Hello! I'm Magaly licensed professional masseuse. My office is in the recoleta zone in Buenos Aires, I work independently. Realization of aesthetic treatments for gentlemen using professional techniques for their physical and emotional well-being, discards for my desire and energy I really enjoy providing the best so that you can feel more of a pleasure with yourself. My options are with relaxation, sensations and treatments such as body waxing, radiofrequency, electrostimulation, sensitive, relaxing or therapeutic massages, hand-foot beauty and more. This is a space and a single time for you, I am a beautician and I also want you to enjoy, feel happy and provide everything professionally as my respect person and sensuality for your body and soul. Sensuality psycho-emotional physical well-being your relaxation-sensory therapy. Follow me on my social networks меньше

Доступно для: Аппартаменты и Выезд
Пол: Женщина
Возраст: 44 лет
Вес: 50 кг.
Рост: 170 см.
Этничность: Eвропеоидная
Цвет волос: Блондинка
Длина волос: длинные
Размер груди: Большая грудь (D / 3-4)
Тип бюста: Натуральная
Национальность: Аргентинская
Поездки: По миру
Языки: Английский, Испанский, Португальский
Курильщик: Нет
Глаза: зелёные
Ориентация: гетеросексуал
Услуги: sensitive, sensuous and relaxing massages therapeutic massages body hair removal integral male aesthetic radiofrequency, localized fat burner and other therapies electrostimulation polished body beauty of skin Pedicuria, beauty of feet and hands relax hot sensual massage happy finish cum communicate by phone to my international number or via whatsapp for more information. I have mobility I can get to your personal apartment hotel quickly or if you prefer you can come to me. I am in one of the most exclusive areas of Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood of Recoleta, a few blocks from tourist centers such ... больше
Встреча с: Мужчины

Контакты проститутки MAGALY в Буэнос-Айресе

Телефон: +54 9 1 Показать телефон
Страна: Аргентина
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